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IV Italian-Lithuanian Business Forum

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preliminary draft

IV Italian-Lithuanian Business Forum

(Vilnius, Hotel Radisson Blu 19 October 2022)

Italy and Lithuania together: recovering and facing the new challenges

The vibrant economic relations between Italy and Lithuania – with more than 2bn € of bilateral trade a year and many new investment projects in both countries – needs to face the double challenge of fully recovering from Covid-19 pandemic and the severe global consequences of the brutal aggression war that Russia is waging in Ukraine since last February. The Business community of the two countries, private as well as public, is called to react and adapt to an increasing inflation, serious risk of European recession and the necessity to continue the implementation of the Green deal and the innovation processes of renewable energy paths defined and largely financed by the European Commission. In such framework, the IV edition of the Italian Lithuanian Business Forum intends to put light on these new challenges and discuss ways to face them successfully, identifying and developing new cooperation projects.

Institutional segment

Ambassador Ungaro – Opening remarks
Minister Armonaite – Key note speech
Minister Kreivys – Developing new energy projects Minister Skuodis – Reshaping the transport network

European Bank of Investment – BEI EU Commission

Italian companies’ presentations:

Rezzani de Eccher – the Neris bridge and Baltic Rail Top Energy/Hafner – the waste treatment plant

Lithuanian companies’ presentations:

Nano technologies
Avia Solutions


Networking lunch

Italian entities and companies invited: ITA, CCIL, Rizzani De Eccher, Ansaldo Energia, Top Energy/Hafner, Leonardo Group, IVECO- CNH Industrial, SNAM, HWG, Jump Air, Marzotto, Assoimprese Verona, Saipem, UAB Gruppo FOS in Lituania, Marzotto Group, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, Banca Intesa San Paolo IMI, Studio Mensi, Studio Pasti, Studio Selmi, Interlex Servizi, Ansaldo Energia, RINA, Gruppo Tozzi, Studio Zanoni, HWG, Jump Air, Carlo Gavazzi Industri Kaunas UAB, Menarini/Berlin Chemie

Lithuanian invitees: Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, KTU, Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuanian Energy Agency, Litgrid, Ambergrid, Ignitis, Innovation Agency, InfoBalt, Kaunas Science and technology park, Nano technologies, Avia Solutions, Autobrava Motors/Modus group
European Bank of Investment – BEI, EU Commission

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